This is the third 64k demo that we made in 2012; which is now officially our most productive year, ever 🙂 After having finished Undercut in August we already started thinking about a small release for the Outline demo party in October. Izard started right away on the soundtrack, which was finished nearly 3 weeks before the party. Which was also a new record 🙂

Just like with Undercut I implemented several effects in the two weeks before the party. We also took a few days off before the party to put everything together. We still had to do quite some work at the party place though; Mostly shading and colouring, overlays and some last minute syncing.

I tried to implement some uncommon effects for this intro. The arrow scene is for example rendered using an extruded 2D distance map of an arrow character (from the wingdings font). The tunnel scene uses some kind of quantization effect on top of a complex distance field. And the cog wheels scene contains an infinite zoomer (with 8 cogs visible at any time).

Note that we didn’t pay much attention to optimizations. In it’s current state it requires a Geforce GTX 670 to run at an acceptable framerate.

Tech: C++, Direct3D, Pandora software synthesizer, Nerve demo system

Downloads: Variflux (at
