In the first week of June, 2006, I went to a demoparty called Outline 2006. Together with Izard I made a small 64k demo. Since I had as good as nothing prepared (I only had a barely working texture generator), I had to do all the coding at the partyplace. This 64k demo is the result of this one and a half day of nonstop coding. I’m not very proud of the result (it’s too short and too ugly ;)), but I am proud of the fact that we actually finished something at all 🙂 The textures in the demo were generated with a very early version of my Gentex tool, all animations and modelling were done in Maya and exported using my own tiny Nerve demo system tools. This demo was kind of a testcase to see what my Nerve demosystem should be capable of. Ohw, and the soundtrack is handled by the v2 soundsystem, courtesy of Kb of Farbrausch.

Tech: C++, Direct3D, v2 softsynth



Obsoleet, screenie 1
Obsoleet, screenie 1
Obsoleet, screenie 2
Obsoleet, screenie 2
Obsoleet, screenie 3
Obsoleet, screenie 3

